Sun Safety

We all love to spend more time outdoors; a day at the beach, backyard BBQ's, long hikes or a game of golf are all quickly filling up your calendar. Even if you are super careful and slather on your sunscreen every two hours, the sun's harmful UVA and UVB rays can unfortunately burn your skin, which puts you at a higher risk of early skin aging to developing skin cancers. 

Worldwide, skin cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancer (*1). The impact of the sun is increasingly harmful. Most Western European countries find themselves in the top 10 world wide of skin cancer rates, The Netherlands on number 5 (1*). According to the Dutch Cancer Society, the cases of skin cancer in The Netherlands has doubled in the past 10 years (in 2019 almost 70,000 people were diagnosed), in most cases due to unprotected exposure to harmful UV rays and burning of the skin by the sun (*2). This is why investing in premium sun protective headwear is so important.

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UVA versus UVB Light


Differentiating between myths and facts requires a basic understanding of UVA and UVB light. They are both forms of ultraviolet (UV) light that can affect the skin after exposure.

UVA light has a longer wave that penetrates into the thickest layer of skin, called the dermis. Unprotected exposure to UVA rays can lead to early skin aging, wrinkles and a suppressed immune system.

UVB rays have a shorter wave and are most responsible for sunburn which is the burning of the top layer of the skin. UVB rays can play a key role in developing skin cancer, and frequent sunburns may cause permanent damage overt time.


Sun Safety Recommendations

Making a difference in Cancer Control in Europe since 1980; the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) is a non profit, pan-European umbrella organization of national and regional cancer societies. They offer a unique platform for cancer leagues in Europe to exchange best practices and benchmark cancer prevention strategies. ECL Sun Safety Recommendations outline key steps you can take to protect yourself in the sun.

SPF vs. UPF - What is the difference?

Both SPF (Sun Protection Factor) and UPF (Ultra Violet Protection Factor) are standards used to measure sun protection. SPF is the standard used to measure the effectiveness of sunscreens and UPF is the standard created specifically for sun protective fabrics.

What is Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF)?

Sun hats with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) feature tighter weaves than normal sun hats which helps prevent UV rays from passing through. For example, the average cotton fabric has a UPF of 5, which means the material allows 95% of the sun's UV rays to penetrate it, while an item with UPF50+ will only allow 2% of the sun's rays to pass through.

Our ranges of UPF50+ certified sun hats are all tested by independent laboratories. The UPF50+ label is globally recognized as the highest sun protective rating available.

Sun Safe & Stylish with UPF50+

Investing in a UPF50+ certified sun hat is super important. A sun hat is a physical barrier between you and the sun, unlike SPF sunscreen that needs to be reapplied every couple of hours. Slap on your sun hats and protect your face, scalp and neck from sun damage. The wide brim styles offer protection to your shoulders and upper back area as well. Our UPF50+ certified sun hats can be worn all day with confidence, even on a cloudy day!